Taking to the Skies in Agriculture

Drone Use in Agriculture

In Central Montana, where farming and ranching are the backbone of our economy, drones are becoming indispensable tools for agricultural producers. Here are several innovative ways drones are enhancing efficiency and productivity on farms and ranches.

Animal Monitoring

One of the simplest yet most effective uses of drones on a ranch is for checking on animals. Our expansive rangelands can be difficult to traverse regularly. Instead of driving out to monitor water, food, and livestock, drones can quickly fly over these areas, saving valuable time. This is particularly beneficial during calving and lambing seasons when frequent checks are necessary.


Accurate knowledge of your land's layout is crucial. Drone mapping provides precise measurements of fields, roads, fences, and water sources. These maps can be integrated into tractors and other drone applications for improved efficiency. Additionally, 3D maps are incredibly useful for field planning and minimizing erosion.


Thermal drones can be employed to assess irrigation systems on irrigated lands. They help identify areas needing attention, ensuring the system operates effectively and efficiently.

Locating Missing Animals

Rounding up livestock on rough terrain can be time-consuming. Thermal drones can swiftly cover large areas to locate missing cattle, sheep, or horses, making roundups more efficient.

Plant Health

Crop issues often become apparent when it's too late to address them effectively. Multispectral drones can detect changes in plant health early, allowing for timely intervention. These drones support precision agriculture by targeting fertilization precisely where it's needed.

Drone Spraying

In Montana, controlling invasive weeds is critical. If left unchecked, weeds can overrun fields, causing numerous problems. Drone spraying is particularly effective in steep or hard-to-reach areas, allowing for precise and variable-rate applications. This method also helps minimize soil compaction, making it a valuable tool for sustainable farming practices.

Drone Planting

Similar to drone spraying, drones can also be used for broadcasting seeds. This method is efficient for covering large areas quickly and can be particularly useful in challenging terrains.

Rock Locating

While it may sound trivial, rocks in fields can pose significant problems during tilling and planting, and can even be hazardous during harvesting in dry conditions. Drones can fly over fields to mark large rocks, making it easier to locate and remove them.

Precision Agriculture

Combining all these applications, drones offer a comprehensive approach to precision agriculture. They save time, reduce labor, and lower input costs. In an industry where each year presents numerous uncertainties, leveraging these advantages can make a significant difference.

By incorporating drones into agricultural practices, farmers and ranchers in Montana can enhance their efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.


Drone Innovation: Meadowlark Drone’s Unconventional Solution to a Cemetery Problem.